Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bmi Of Women In America In The News Today!?

In the news today!? - bmi of women in america

a Brazilian model died of complications from anorexia. was 5'8 "and weighs 88 kilograms, has a BMI of 13.4 (healthy BMI 18-24 and under 17 years, the weight puts children under 15 years with a disease is defined clinically as food and drink)
One might think that since all these models and celebrities fade from anorexia and those that make the girls scared, but today it was so much vomit not eating or eating something, hungry for what it is to think perfectly.

Some frightening statistics:
50% were improved, the patients 40%, 10%
5% to 3.7% suffer from anorexia
-10 Million women in America suffer
- Number of persons w / w disease is three times the battle against AIDS
-50% 11-13 years are overweight
-42% In the third year will be thinner
-About 1,000 girls and women die every year from anorexia
They are made!
The average model is thinner than 98% of American women


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