Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sweet Nlow Side Effects Sugar, Cream, Sweet-nlow, Or Black For Your Coffee?

Sugar, cream, sweet-nlow, or black for your coffee? - sweet nlow side effects

The cream and Splendid thank you


Corporat... said...

Flavored cream or half and half ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

SmoothCh... said...

Cream, 2 packets Splenda

Bumbles said...

Sugar and cream for me .....

ramjet said...


Anonymous said...

Only a little cream in my coffee, but I like a little sugar on the cheek in the morning when I drink my coffee!

CIUDADAN... said...

Only sugar, thank you.
And a happy new year!

♥♥Bree♥♥ said...

It depends, but generally I like a lot of sugar and cream in my coffee.

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